09 Dec My Reason for Breaking Away
There is a profound truth within my heart that has been longing to be voiced.
I have grappled with finding the right words, quietly reflecting, in hopes that those involved might also take a moment to honestly examine their roles and how their actions have shaped the narrative.
In this silence, I have found some solace in understanding the truth and the impact this experience has had on my life and well-being; however, as I strive to find deeper peace, I realize the journey is not complete.
As I navigate deeper into my quest, I find myself continually confronted by this conjuncture of truth and deception. Some individuals claim honors that rightfully do not belong to them, while others attempt to seize positions they weren’t appointed to, donning the façade of nobility and righteousness.
I do not seek to shame anyone by telling the truth, and I would—if I could—skip this chapter’s details without writing one single word. But the detours that have led me away from speaking its truth continue to bring me back to the pathways of its conjuncture. I can and must speak its truth, and I truly must do my best to never allow the unhealed places of my life and past to become a destination within my children’s future. For if they’re going to know anything different than the painful places that I have known, that future must first begin with me. One can’t plant old seeds and expect a different and new crop; neither can one put new wine in an old wineskin and expect it not to burst.
We are to be the change we want to see, and our ability to change this world starts from within. I may not accomplish breaking all that broke me, but I will move the mark and allow God to change within my family’s bloodline all that He, our Heavenly Father, desires to change within me.
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