Through the guiding of the Holy Spirit, we spent Christmas a little differently this year, taking time to reflect upon the voice of the Lord and His intended purpose for this season.
We believe that God creates special moments in time for us all, and today...
25 December, 2020
Come to the manger, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For I am gentle and humble in heart. You will find rest for your soul in me. For my yoke is easy, and my burdens are light (Matthew...
25 December, 2020
This may be the first Christmas Eve without your loved one, and I truly want you to know that you are not alone, because there are many others who understand the loss that you feel.
It's Christmas Eve, but there's no earthly gift to be given...
24 December, 2020
The Year of 2020 and 2021
Does anyone know what tomorrow holds? Can it be measured, or does anyone know how much trouble it may bring?
I am certain that no one knows the answer to this question, because only God knows.
As we approached 2020 and waited...
20 December, 2020
While others move on, you return to a reality where your loved one no longer exists. Others don’t receive the phone calls on the phones that they once carried, nor do they receive the mail that continues to come to the addresses where they once...
11 December, 2020
They Meant So Much More Than That to Us
My mom used to always say that some systems in life are broken, and the best way to avoid being caught up in a broken system is to stay away from things that will get you caught...
09 December, 2020
God's perfections can be made perfect in the imperfections, and His glory will be revealed in the most challenging and uncomfortable circumstances of life.
The most uncomfortable things that you feel about yourself are the things that make you ‘you’; so, don’t be ashamed of your...
03 December, 2020